
"Guide your integrity as a scarce thing. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your mind". EMERSON.

"Image is what people think we are. Integrity is what we really are". JOHN. C.MAXWELL.

"Integrity includes consistency and an unwavering adherence to values and beliefs". STEPHEN. R. COVEY.

Many people along life's upward journey are held down because their lives have been soiled by unjust gains, falsehood and various other forms of vice. To make real and remarkable progress in life, there is need to be above board in all matter.

Stephen Covey said, "People with integrity are those whose words match their deeds and behavior mirror their values". Their honesty and ethics can be trusted unconditionally.

Integrity requires that you be impeccably honest with yourself and others. No matter how good you are in anything, if people cannot trust you, they will not do any transaction with you. Any hope build on dishonesty is always the forerunner of eventual loss.

Oprah Winfred said, "Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." There is no acceptable substitute for honesty.

Lack of integrity makes the way slippery. To be of integrity is to embrace honesty in words, in actions and in intentions.

Integrity gives you security. It is more valuable than money. Integrity secures your prestige and image.

Brain Tracy said, "Always Carry yourself as though everyone is watching, even when no one is watching." The most important thing you do is to be a good role model.

Great success in life is characterized by honesty, truthfulness, and straight dealing with every person, under all circumstances. The person you really are inside is always demonstrated by your actions, the things you do and say.

T.L. Osborn said, "Always tell the truth and you never have to remember what you said."

The man of integrity walks securely. Integrity will preserve your name.

"...but they could find no occasion nor fault for as much as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him." (Daniel 6:4).

Integrity has a price but pays huge dividends.

"No confidence without integrity." (Samuel Johnson).

Reinhard Bonnke wrote, "The memories of integrity in a man of God are better than an inscription of finest marble."

What we need today but lack abundantly is integrity in our society, and the church at large.

By: Samuel Oba


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