Do not build your castle on anyone's talk

Don’t build your castle on anyone’s talk; or you build a castle in the air….

Talk is cheap and anyone can afford it... even a pauper.

I read through a timeline here a while ago and I saw series of “I've missed you, where have you been?” posts. I smiled as I read through.

In my mind, I asked, “Have you tried getting in touch with this person you claim to miss, beyond posting ‘I miss you’ on their Facebook timeline?’

It reminded me of lots of comments I have come across where people would ask a certain writer to go write their book, start a blog and begin a blog series, release their anthology etcetera, because they “…just write so well”.

They tell a singer, “When will you release your album? I can’t wait!”

Someone graduates and they begin to ask them with ‘concern’, "What are you still doing? Your mates are married! You must marry too; and make sure you invite me and my husband and the children."

They ask you, “Ahn, Ahn, David does not have a younger one yet? We need a girl to balance the equation! What are you people still waiting for?" (Like they would sponsor the child’s upbringing) (Some mean well; I know).

They go on and on like that.

I smile... Humans.

Only a learner allows themselves to be taken on a ‘cockroach’ ride by them.
(Won a gbe e gun esin ayan – they take you on a cockroach ride).

As they urge you to go begin that ‘thing’ or go launch that one, they ‘make’ you feel loved, celebrated, wanted, desired, preferred, ‘important’, supported and sometimes, even more than you really are...
(Did they not tell Herod that his voice was like that of God's? And believe me, many really mean well).

And because of their urges, pushes, ‘encouragements’, and motivations, you go start a blog, too. You also go write the book they asked for. You go publish your anthology. You go release the song. You go begin the business...

Now that you have, you ask them to come buy your book. Or ‘support’ you by following and reading your blog posts. You literally ‘beg’ them to download your song or even help you share the download link to their walls. You tell them you've started the business and they should patronize you...

That is when you begin to wonder if anyone is still on Facebook. You that generate much engagement begin to find engagement scanty when it comes to their being practical about their claims. You have a feeling they are not seeing your posts. Or probably, Facebook is not showing your posts on their pages. And you begin to make posts like, “Please, I am just running a test here. I want to know how many people can see my posts. Please, if you are seeing this, like it or make a comment to let me know you see it. I want to be sure nothing is wrong with my Facebook account”.

And those that ‘manage’ to engage with your posts on those things you want them to buy or share links of, make comments like:

“Wow! Finally! Congratulations! Greater Grace in Jesus name! It will go places! This is just the beginning! I prophesy that this will usher in many more. I decree that the Lord Jesus will announce this Himself! I declare that the Holy Spirit will breathe on it and that…”


But they really do mean well, most times… They actually do.

But if you equally mean well for yourself, you wouldn’t build your castle on their words, or you would be building your castle in the air…

By all means, go write your book.
By all means, go start your blog.
By all means, go release your song.
By all means, pursue your vision...
But by no means should you do it for them.

Do it only because it's your call.
Do it only because it's your choice.
Do it only because it's what you want.

This perspective will keep you from disappointments.
This perspective will save you from depression.
And this perspective will keep you sane.

So, next time those well-meaning people bring words urging you on, remember to not run on them. Remember to pause and ask yourself, "Do I want to follow this path? I'm I willing to take responsibility for it? I'm I ready to face the outcome regardless of how it turns? Is this what I really want?"

Remember, talk is cheap. Anyone can afford it. Even a pauper can.

So, don’t build your castle on anyone’s talk. Or you would be building it in the air.

I wish you Godspeed...

By: Bimbola Tayo-Bamidele


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