WORD Quotes for this Week

The WORD Quotes today, is credited to Jioke Snipes Ekems.

The Quotes:

• Don't be collecting anointing in Church every day, and packing it. It was given to You to spread and shine. Oya shine!

• Look closely and You will see how empty the world is. You cannot die because of the things in this world. Don't stoop that low.

• In that little corner, God placed You as the light. Now You are not shining your light. You are radiating God's light.

• The limitations You experience are the ones You allow. God's Grace breaks all limitations.

• God will take You through various training fields before He places You on the Throne.

• When we say the spiritual controls the physical, sometimes we do not really know that we need to apply that truth in daily life. Man is a spirit. Your Born Again Spirit should control your body and your mind. But it cannot do this when You feed your body more than You feed your spirit. It is time we become Spirit conscious. The gym our Spirit goes to is Bible Study and Prayer. That's where we feed it and train it to grow.

Jioke Snipes Ekems


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