Get involved with Politics; Use the acquired Knowledge to Solve Problems

Most of you so-called Christians claim to know so much of the Scripture with stock of Bible verses as memory verses; yet know so little of Politics and Socio-economic order in your Respective states, County or Country at large. Discuss the terrains of politics with most Christians and the typical response will be; "Politics is a dirty Game. Let's Pray God save our Nation". They get so "Religious" when political issues are raised.

If you are waiting for God to come down and salvage the Nation by being "Religious", it'll never happen. If Religion is the solution to Nations' mishaps, don't we practice Religion in Nigeria more than the Chinese? Africa Alone has highest population of renowned Christian Leaders yet, with all these, China is growing rapidly in economy and otherwise. The World's Richest Countries are Muslim States.

How many Christians here are aware of the United Nation's Decision against Trump recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital? The few that might know have little or no idea of the political structure of Palestine yet if it was T. D. Jakes, Benny Hinn, and the likes you would ensure to listen.

What's the essence of our increased knowledge of the Scripture if we are not applying it to solve National and Global problems? Even Jesus associated with Politicians, got involved with Political propaganda. Why aren't We?

Let me tell you all; Politics is the platform on which every Country operates and relates with another. No matter how accurate your ideas are, you need to be heard only on political platforms. Listen to news. Know accurately what is going on around you and see what you can do to effect or detoxicate it. Christianity becomes Life when it can impact. You can't impact what you have no idea or sufficient and deep rooted knowledge about it.

I see the surprise on people when I speak enthusiastically on political issues. Some are like, "I thought you were a Christian". So...? Of course, I'm a Bible Believer. Daniel too believed in the God I believe but he had a say in Babylon because he was one of the Prominent Rulers over the provinces of Babylon. His Political stand gave him the platform to bring God to Babylon.

For any of you reading this, who is in the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT) or schooled in UNIPORT; when Professor Joseph Ajienka, former Vice Chancellor of UNIPORT suspended fellowships and Christian activities in classrooms and on campus, what were the Christians able to do? Did one of the fellowship leader whose fellowship I won't mention here declare in prayers during prayer meeting that Professor Ajienka will die in 7 days because of that decision he made in 2013? The Man ruled, retired and still alive. What happened to that prayer points? What's my point?

When you have Christians in political positions who are lenient and deep rooted in knowledge of the political structure, they can effect and affect proper changes.

Get involved in politics. Don't just listen to Pastor Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes, Oyakhilome, Adeboye, etcetera. What they teach you is what you should take out there. Listen to news, get informed. Be politically Active! Receive common Sense!

By: Kemy Pius


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