A Life of Consistency

Whatever you're doing that builds value in others, don't stop! You may not be on the spot light yet but trust me when I say someone somewhere is watching.

Living a life of consistency is one of the most difficult part of self discipline. You're going to be pushing from the opposite side of your natural self. And whoever told you it was easy either lied to you or is not even thriving on the part of consistency.

When I started on this journey of being intentional with my life, the first few months were joy ride for me. I'd record daily activities frequently. But then the later part was like getting Donald Trump to agree with North Korean ICBM.

I was able to pull through, I'm not saying I'm perfect on Consistency but sure thing that helped me was my decision to not give up. The word DECISION comes from the Latin word "decidere", which means "to kill off any other alternatives".

It's not all joy ride now but it's certain that I'm in progress. Consistency is what you do about what you said you'll do after when you said it is long gone.

Emotions don't help navigate Consistency. You'll have to keep emotions aside to take up your life and push through.

If you're sure of the value you have to offer, then hang in there and push through. And remember consistency keeps what persistency gets.

Keep Impacting!

By: George Nimi Joseph


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