A Letter to the Developing Countries

While I frown vehemently at the manner and the open attitudinal disposition that is on the increase regarding issues pertaining to religion, faith and politics, I think there is a huge lesson there for all of us.

The difference between a developing country and a so called "Developed one" is simple – TRANSFORMATION.

This very all important process borders from generation of ideas down to the productizing of the same, alongside it's sustainability.

Most developing countries have issues with either of the three stages. In fact, one of the definitions I read sometime ago on third world Country has it that:

"It is when the said country does not have the capacity to manage its resources from the raw primary stage to the sophisticated processed stage".

So here is the gist.

I have read over 120 books on Transformation alone whether mental, spiritual, political, social or business, including doing a several cover to cover on the best of them all – The Holy Bible, using different approaches excluding autobiographies, revolutionary national articles and several training programs... Not forgetting the countless experimental applicational processes done in my little sphere of influence over the years ranging from personal and organizational leadership platforms.

Here is what I found out.

Before every meaningful Transformation takes place, there is this mental awakening that first takes place.

Individuals suddenly starts becoming stronger in their thought patterns and most often than not they start to question status quo... they get uncomfortable in the usual and all that.

Hey! Don't panic or become insecure, it is part of the process you prayed for.

Let's not be quick to put people down when they ask questions about what we are doing all in the name of authority and somewhat "pseudo spirituality". To me, it shows we either don't really know what are doing or we are just insecure.

You can't fight for God. He is sovereign enough to know what to do.

Defending your so called religion or political party is not the same as defending your faith or your nation. Don't be deceived.

You see, true spirituality doesn't remove your thinking cap. As a matter of truth, it enhances it..

False and unbalanced religion is the root cause for underdevelopment and national stagnancy.

The challenge we always had is in being able to translate what we receive from the intangible realm to the tangible realm be it a vision, idea, revelation or information... So the process of Transformation is faulty and it makes progress very hard.

Enough said!

I think it is high time we realize that mental awakening and clarity is the first step to any form of Transformation. Thank God for the wave of "Thought Leadership" across our cities, it is a sure sign we are close.

I salute all "Thought leaders"... Names too numerous to mention. You guys are gradually creating a new nation. Keep doing it!

Very soon we will have plenty of "fishes" because you decided to give us "hooks".
Slavery brags in ignorance, confusion and lack of expression. People can't be fooled and cast down for a longtime. One day, the Giant within them will ask how far?

So, let us as leaders encourage innovative leadership, critical reasoning, positive curiosity and corrective progression.

Let us as members or citizens not be quick to defend what we know nothing or little about. Always keep an open mind as well as maintaining your resolve and belief strategically.

Let us also as members criticize constructively and well mannered, and also try to focus on proffering solution to the problems we have identified with all respect knowing that the problem is not a person but an idea.

You haven't seen anything yet!!!
We prayed for it, let us not fight it.
God bless our Country!!

By: Nonso Kingsley Nwosu


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