Folly of Generalization

It's immaturity to generalize on certain issues. Foolishness is to assert unproven facts.

Not all Church attendees are believers in Christ, so don't always judge a Church by the congregants. Stop making sweeping statements against Churches.

Not all believers do the Word. A Church member may not be living according to the teaching of His Pastor, check Jesus and the Apostles.

Don't hit at Pastors for all conducts displayed by congregants. Not all large Churches are polluting the Gospel, some smaller congregations breed heresy, some large ones are sound.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, not the wrapper!

Not all Young ministers (aged wise) are inexperienced; not all aged ministers are experienced.

Jesus was 30, Paul was a young man, David was 17, Timothy was a youth. A good number of their persecutors were far older.
Experience is relative and not necessarily in age or time. In fact, being saved for many years differs from walking with The Lord for that long.

Not all who teach material prosperity are dishonest. Not all who espouse "modesty or even poverty"as godliness are honest. You might need to seek clarification via paying attention to distinguish.

Paul taught prosperity and encouraged men to give. Communism/Socialism wasn't a Christ faith-based system too.

No need for "blanket" remarks; case by case distinguishing might help.

Not every scandal is true judgement; many could be based on genuine errors (Who isn't error-prone anyway?). Some are well-orchestrated opposition. Joseph was on the tabloids for attempted rape. No one knew the true story but Him, alone.

Jesus was listed in the court records as a criminal. You may need more than a critical mind but a fair and sincere one to see beyond press releases.

Believers must learn to believe the BEST and not the Worst of others.

Avoid the error of generalization. Seek to know the facts beyond other peoples’ conclusions.

Commenting on a matter based on Facebook posts, tabloids, BBM, etcetera might be a sin.
It doesn't hurt to say nothing.

Therefore do not judge anything before the time – Wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light the things hidden in darkness and also make clear the motives of the hearts. Then the praise for each one will come from God (Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians 4:5 TLV).

You will give account of things you hastily said or accused others of!

My dear brothers and sisters, always be more willing to listen than to speak. Keep control of your anger (James 1:19 ERV).

Jesus is Lord!

By: Akuma Solomon


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