Liver health: keeping a healthy liver

The liver is an essential organ, the largest internal organ in the human body. It has a wide range of functions, including detoxification of various metabolites, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. It also plays a role in metabolism, regulation of glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells and hormone production. It is said that the liver has over 500 functions.

Here are important points to note about having a healthy liver:

Foods with lot of fiber, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, cereals, are healthy to the liver. In addition, taking more of natural foods, plant based proteins, and less of fats and fatty food helps promote a healthy liver.

Alcohol can damage the liver, it's damage could accumulate over time. Moderate your intake of alcohol and avoid taking it regularly.

Caffeine is good for the liver but taking excess of it can damage the liver. 

Taking overdose of some medication as well as wrong combination of medication can damage the liver. For example, paracetamol shouldn't be taken above the normal allowed daily dose. It can damage the liver over time. Also, taking paracetamol with alcohol is dangerous to the liver.

Too much sugar, especially fructose is bad for the liver and should be avoided. The liver is under pressure to convert and store glucose, and thus refined carbohydrates, sugary snacks and soft drinks should be moderately taken or avoided.

Too much intake of salt is also unhealthy for the liver.

Trans fatty acids and saturated fats are unhealthy for the liver.

Some cleaning products, aerosol products, and insecticides have chemicals that are unhealthy for the liver, and thus contact with them should be avoided especially through inhalation.

Cigarette smoking is bad for the liver. It can increase the chances of one having liver cancer and decrease the ability of the liver to fight off toxins, due to the chemical substances contained in it.

Exercise and a good diet encourages a healthy liver.

Foods which one is allergic to or sensitive to, should be avoided as they could affect liver function and irritate the immune system.

Eating when one is stressed out (when one is not hungry and just needs rest) and overeating should be avoided.

Proper preparation of one's food is encouraged, undercooking and overcooking of food should be avoided.

Chronic stress should be avoided. Also, a person's mood can affect the liver's health. Emotional stress, relationship issues, holding on to anger, guilt, have effects on the endocrine, reproductive, digestive and immune systems.

The links below will add more and compliment what I have written above. Please check them out:


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