Late night eating is unhealthy for you

Late night eating is a common habit that have become integrated into the lives of many people. Lot of persons work till late at night, and have to take late dinner. Even persons who are aware of its unhealthiness sometimes find it difficult to stop. However, everyone wants a healthy life and have to promote healthy eating to achieve that.

Having late dinners, or snacking late at night may not really affect a night worker whose day is night and vice versa, but it's unhealthy for one who sleeps at night. At night, one doesn't expend much energy, and the body's metabolism is slower and thus, having late dinners, especially eating heavy food and overeating can result in weight gain, and increased blood sugar levels which can be a predisposition to chronic diseases, including heart attack and stroke.

Also, late night dinner can affect one's sleep cycle. The process of digestion can result in one having difficulties sleeping, waking up during sleep, and there may be need for frequent urination and waste elimination. Acid reflux symptoms which includes the taste of acid in the back of the mouth, heartburn, bad breath, chest pain, vomiting, breathing problems, can result from late night eating.

It is health wise to have dinner three or four hours before sleep. A suitable time should be before 7 pm or latest 8 pm. Ensure you relate this with your family and friends. Let's stay healthy and promote healthy living.


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