You have to be the Complement of Whom You Desire

You may come across a good person, a sincere lover, who's interested in you, but you're not ready at that moment, and end up losing him to someone else who's ready.. You're not ready because of the negative configuration that your past relationship(s) has created for your mind and it really shows in your attitude (I personally always detect it no matter how much you try to hide it). You have to take responsibility for the outcomes of your past relationships. And by this, you take POSITIVE actions not to be a victim of such again. Look into yourself critically, you'll see the wrong choices you made that led to the failed relationship(s). Learn from it, and make a wiser choice when someone comes seeking your attention. Understand what you NEED (pay less attention to your wants) and be the person that will complement the person you need by developing yourself and working on your limitations gradually. If you'll say that it's difficult to know who's true, I'll tell you that it's easy. Just take a work on yourself, and you'll come out better, able to chose the right partner you NEED (not even chose, but ATTRACT, because if whom you need isn't seeing his complementary version in You, He'll definitely be attracted to someone else that has that which He NEEDS), and also able to help out your friends and other persons who are having relationship challenges.

Relationship works both ways. You can't ATTRACT whom You can't COMPLEMENT. Even when You attract that Great Guy, He won't stay forever if You can't complement him or don't understand what it means to do so.

And when you get the attention of a good person, don't take it for granted. You may lose someone you need and may need to wait a while longer to come across such kinda person again. But, you'll definitely come across such a person if you just be the complement that will attract such person.

By: Daniel Adulphus


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