What do you have in your hands?

Have you ever given someone a gift that they don’t care about or won’t use? You must think they are ungrateful, especially if it's a gift that's expensive and important to the service of others.

Do you think God could "feel" the same way about the talents he has endowed you with?

Do you think you could have been depriving someone out there the privilege of being blessed by your service to humanity?

If you're culpable; you've probably ignored your talent — your God given gift to humanity.

To ignore your talent, is to ignore God in your life and deprive many others the gift of God in you. He made us that way — He has equiped us for what we are suited for with a great calling to serve humanity.

It is never too late to discover what talents you have and develop them. The development of your talent is too important to be left to chance. Invest time, energy, and money to fan your talent into raging flame that transforms the world.

Play that piece, sing and the world will listen, listen and a soul will find peace, organize that group and many will benefit. Share your talent. You, your family, your community and the world will be a better place because you did — the world needs your talents.

Your friend,

By: Samuel Akinlotan


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