Real Faith is Concrete and Evidential

Our faith as Christians is not misguided or misdirected, God did not ask us to have faith on something that does not work or that is nonexistent. Everything we believe God for already is and have been proven to be reproducible. People have believed for the same things you believe God for and have or are getting them continually.

The problem is we and not the word of God. Do this anytime you feel your faith is tested. Walk randomly into your church and ask people randomly if they have ever believed God for what you are believing and have received.

The results have always been and will continue. Our faith is not guess work, it is not uncertain, it is not speculation, it is not luck or chance. We believe God for what already is, have been and is been received continually by others.

Real faith is concrete, it is evidential, tangible and reproducible anywhere. It works in all climes.

By: Raphael Donanu


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