Drop the Pretence!

Have You found yourself pretending before God? Well, You may begin to think in the lines of hypocrisy but that's not what I'm taking about. Remember that step You were not willing to take but You just acted as though you were excited about doing it so You won't get God angry. Remember that Bible verse You have not come to believe but You pretended You did just to make God happy with You. I can go on and on but I think You get what I mean.

At this point I want to tell You to drop the pretence. The earlier You realize that God is okay with You being honest, the better for You. Even if your honesty reflects immaturity, don't worry. Tell God your doubts, tell Him those things You are skeptical about. Tell it to Him. Be honest about it and God won't send thunder and brimstone after You, rather He will teach You.
The Holy Spirit is our teacher, but He won't teach You if You go on pretending You know it. Drop the pretence and come into the realm of honesty with God. Besides, God sees through our pretences and bravado, so it makes no sense. God bless you. God loves you so much.

By: Jioke Snipes Ekems


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