You are a Clay in the Potter's Hands

Do you sometimes feel unworthy to be called God’s child? – You have too much baggage, too many wounds and too many scars, or maybe you don’t feel smart enough or spiritual enough to be used by God.

If so, then you are not alone. l used to feel inadequate and I believed l don’t have enough qualifications and experience for God to use me. What I did not realize is that God loves to use jars of clay to reveal His Glory. He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

When something beautiful flows from an ordinary vessel, it’s both surprising and inspiring.

Ask God to show you what matters most. Your heart or your hands. You are a clay in the potter’s hand. You are not beautiful in yourself but You are beautiful in Him.

Try to forget yourself and all your inadequacies and allow his Glory to shine forth from You.

The question is: What is in your hands? Are you ready to give it to God to use it for his Glory?

1 Corinthians 1 vs 27

By: Emmanuel Christian


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