Concerning Communion

I remember years ago, how I used to be afraid of Communion. When it was time for Communion in church, I would not go forward to take it because the ministers even made me think God could bring sickness or death on me if I did not examine myself properly, as in make sure I had no sins or confessed all my sins before I take it. Some ministers makes you believe that if you had sinned prior to the communion, you couldn't take it or could only take it if you've confessed your sins because if you had sins and don't confess before eating and drinking the communion, you are UNWORTHY.

Now I want you to open your heart and eyes and let's do this short study together and your mind will be renewed. You will be free from some of the lies you've been told concerning Communion. Are you ready?

Now let's start.

Paul wasn't there during the Communion Jesus had with the disciples but he lets us know in 1 Corinthians 11: 23, that he received of the Lord that which he delivered unto the Church. How did he receive it? It could be through revelation or Jesus Himself appeared to Him since it was Jesus that taught Him the Gospel of Grace. So how something he received from Jesus himself ceased and is no longer needed is what I'm yet to know. Paul then started demonstrating how the Communion should be taken from verses 23–26.

Now verses 27–29 is where most ministers have misinterpreted, and brought fear to some of the church members who want to take communion but are told they are unworthy because of maybe, something wrong they've done. In verse 27, Paul said, whosoever eats this bread and drink this cup of the Lord UNWORTHILY. Note Paul used UNWORTHILY not UNWORTHY.

Now let me explain.
UNWORTHYILY means in a way that is not appropriate and UNWORTHY means "you don't deserve it'. Over the years, some ministers have replaced unworthily (not in an apriopriate way) with unworthy (you don't deserve it).

Today, I want your eyes to be opened to know that Paul said if you eat unworthily not unworthy. He was not talking about you not been worthy because of maybe something bad you've done rather he meant unworthily (not eating it appropriately), because when you do that, you are not discerning the Lord's body and shall be guilty of the body and blood of Jesus.

In verse 31, Paul says, if we would examine ourselves first, we would not come under God's judgement. What kind of examination was Paul talking about here? Was he saying examine yourself to see if you have no sin in you as we have been taught in years? No! As far as I'm concerned, the Corinthian church were into all forms of sins so he wasn't talking about sins here. Paul meant examine yourself to see if you are in the faith – you believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. You see now? If it was examine yourself to see if you have no sin, so you are worthy to take it, then what was His blood shed for? Was it not for cleansing of sins? Jesus Himself said in Mathew 26: 26 “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins”. So why can't a Christian who has erred take the Communion? Didn't Jesus die for the remission of sins?

In fact when you feel you've done something wrong, that's when to take Communion because it means your trust is only in the blood not yourself.
It's not a believer who had sinned and eaten the communion that shall be guilty of the body and blood of Jesus. It is the unbeliever, someone who is not in the faith who eats and drinks and brings damnation to Himself because he or she doesn't believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The blood of Jesus doesn't mean anything to such a one because he/she doesn't believe. The only person who eats communion unworthily and brings damnation to self is not the believer but the unbeliever. One must believe before eating Communion, lest he is guilty of the Body and Blood of Jesus.

Dear child of God, let nothing stop you from taking communion, not even the wrongs you've done because Jesus died for those sins. Don't let any minister deceive you again into not taking communion because you feel unworthy.

Let me know if this blessed you!

By: Akuma Solomon


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