WORD Quotes for this Week

Creative thoughts without faith-filled actions will leave you a dreamer.... ( Bishop T. D. Jakes)

Brethren listen, and listen again; there is no laity in Christ! Everyone is a minister! Seek your role and take your place in Christ. Any form of laity in the church is faulty; (you can see why they demand tithe from you). Laity is Judaism! (Pastor Abiye Ideriah)

Do not neglect your priestly ministry; your pastor or G.O is not your priest; You both are priests onto God. He is fulfilling his priestly role in the body of Christ. Find out your priestly role and begin to fulfill it. Yours could be in administration, protocol, children ministry, music ministry, missions, etcetera. However, you all have a primary duty to minister to God in prayer; praise and worship! (Pastor Abiye Ideriah)

Greatness consists not in holding an office. Greatness consists in doing some great deed with little means. He who can give to his people better streets, better homes, better schools, better churches, more happiness, more of God; He that can be a blessing to the community in which he lives today, He will be great anywhere. But he who cannot be a blessing where he now lives, right now, will never be great anywhere on the face of God's earth... (Russel Conwell)

If you are not inspiring, you are expiring (Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa)


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