We first have Standards; then we can talk Consistency

People who stand for something are those who are consistent in their choices.

Consistency helps build Reputation.
Consistency helps build Result.
Consistency is what we do repeatedly no matter what.

The difference between EFFORT and EFFECT is Consistency.

We cannot be consistent if we don't stand for something. Every organization is built on the service delivery and experience and this both is a derivative of consistency.

Great Organization are those who have standard brand, and those who have standard brand are men and women who are consistent in their dealings.

The best of brands have standard!
Standard are expected level of quality or performance below which is unacceptable. ~ FD

For us to be recognized as someone with standard, we must be able to define an unacceptable level of quality or performance and we must also have an acceptable level of quality or performance.
This validates our cognisance as one with a standard.

The lower your standard, the less effort people will make to rise to the level of our standard.

The best organizations are tagged best because their standard aren't minimal.
Take for example, some of the courses or lecturers we took or met in college are worthy of recognition even after graduation because of the standard of the course or lecturer.

If we have too many standard then we don't have a standard and when we don't have a standard, people wouldn't want to identify with us, they would take us for granted.

A lot of us don't have too many friends because of the standard we keep. And I mean this in a good way because most of us try to lower our standard so people could access us but the truth is we're actually tearing down our values.

We ought not to bring down our standard for anyone, rather we help them rise to the standard.

Take for example God, He ain't gonna bring His standard down because Jesus died, rather He used the death of Jesus Christ to help us rise to his standard.

How do we set this standard?

Make a positive impact on everything you do, everywhere you go and everyone you meet.
You must be a solution provider not a problem analyst.
Become a role model worthy of emulation.
Be your best and give your best.
Do the right thing regardless of who is doing the wrong thing.
Value time and make use of it.
Care and show respect to all no matter who.
Consciously build a legacy.
Stand for integrity and honor.
Make your family, Nation and God proud.

The true mark of a leader is in his ability to advertise his value, culture but also most importantly advertise his vision.

Marketers would support an organization with values rather than one with product.
Stand for excellence and build standard of excellence in whatever you do.

By: George Nimi Joseph


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