To be Successful is to be Intentional

To be successful is to be intentional. When I say intentional, I mean to be deliberate. Success are not for mere wishers. You plan for it and you work for it.

If wishes were the magnetic properties that drag Success to a man, then the fairy tale story wouldn't have been fairy tale, cause every lady would want to have her happy ever after, every servant would want to be the king with the most beautiful girl as wife and every warrior wouldn't need to step outside the boundary of their village for warfare.

You see, we could sit all day and whine about how things ought to be but if we don't stand up to "Our" responsibilities nothing will ever change. I'm specific on the term "our" because a lot of persons and mostly young folks have got it all wrong.

You have a role to play! Create your niche and build value. In general, Success could be the actualization of a set goal or task but in the eagles view true success lies in building and adding value to the lives of men and women, young and old, boy or girl. Everybody you come in contact with!

Change the narrative in your sphere. You don't like the situation of things in the government? Rise up to it! Get yourself involved. Wishes are castles build on air except for the fact that it has no foundation and without foundation nothing stands.

Our minds believe whatever we want it to. Whatever we feed it with, it absorbs and reproduce. So for you to be really Successful, I mean for you to make a lasting impact you need to first become successful in the way you think. Change the narrative in your mindset first. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he..

Stand up to your responsibilities. Always know that "Nothing will change if nothing change." You've got to move it! Understand the difference between motion, movement and progress. Don't just sweat it, run! And run with a direction.

Think ahead! Think futuristic. Except You want to exist for the moment, if not be innovative. You've got creativity inside of you because you were created by the best and his personality rubs off on you.

Network! You can't do it alone. You don't have all the idea. Great minds grow and glow. It is said, "If you want to go fast run alone but if you want to go far run with people." If you buy everything with money then you're poor! Relationship can buy what money will buy and much more.

Take the shot. Most times our greatest fear lies in our timidity towards failure. So what if you fail? You just learnt a new way not to try it. You've got to take the shot cause the striker who refuses to seize opportunity would end up demoralizing his team mate.

Believe in yourself. One of the greatest gift you can ever give to yourself is Self Confidence. Believe in You cause no one will if you don't. If you've not taken the shot, you'll never score.

By: George Nimi Joseph


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