Delight in the Word of the Lord

After reading Psalms 1:1, a different understanding flood my spirit. For this man to have refrained his feet from the following:

1) Walking in the congregation of the wicked
2) Standing in the way of sinners and
3) Sitting in the seat of mockers,

What must have diverted the attention of this man from all these?

Only for to see in verse 2 of Psalms 1, the secret of this man, that helped him to overcome the hurdles of verse 1.

Verse 2 – "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in it (the law) does he meditate day and night".

This man has engaged his thought in productive thinking of the Word (law) of God, and this is what kept him from the hurdles of verse 1.

Suffice me to say, "You can't meditate on what you don't delight in". That is, until You find interest in something, You can't give yourself to that thing.

From verse 2, the minimum daily prescription or dosage regime for meditation of the word of God is two times daily.

As a Christian, if your attention has been taking away from the law of the Father, then you need to check where you are standing or sitting.

By: Emmanuel Nwachukwu


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