Relationship Quotes for this Week

• When you are in a relationship, never go to bed angry.

• I love being the reason for your smile.

• Never forget to tell her how good she looks every day. Even on the days where she isn’t wearing makeup and her hair isn’t done.

• We all deserve someone who loves us even when we are not at our best.

• You know you are in a real relationship when your presence and absence both mean something to that person.

• Find someone who makes you a better person.

• I am a better person because of you. You help me be the best person that I can be and you always encourage me to reach my full potential.

• When you are in a real relationship, you never have to pretend to be someone that you’re not.

• When you get a little jealous, at least it means that you care enough about that person.

• Take my hand and we can get through anything together.


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