Be a True Friend

The amount of energy that you give off, same shall you receive! Be a True friend to a "Friend"

If you already have a real friend in your life, then you know that through thick, and through thin, they will always be there for you. Not to judge you, or to tell you that they tried to warn you before, not to bring you down, or kick you while you're down, but instead to help pick you up when you fall, or to sit with you and help talk you into getting back up. Not all of us have had friends like these, and if we want one, all we must do is be a friend like this to someone who needs it.

If you plant seeds of love, in good faith, and in good hopes, it will be returned into your own life abundantly. Be that friend for someone who needs someone by their side. Be that friend for that person going through a bad break up, family problems, or other forms of instability in their own lives, and you will surely find the same in your own life.

By: Tripple Friddle Frizzle Tff


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