A Leader's Journey through Purpose (Part 1)

I'm going to make myself believe everyone here knows who a leader is, because at some point we might have interacted with one or we are one ourselves. So I'd just dash to the point.

Humans are basically good at something – PLANNING. Even if most persons wouldn't agree with this. Like the popular saying, "He that fails to plan have planned to fail", so in some way we plan. Whether it's all straight or not.

Considering our fast-paced, dynamic and forward thinking society, everybody wants to succeed (although few persons are still not planning to), and at such we make plans on how to beat the game.

Well, I'd like to say not all future plans should be shared (sometimes oh) but nevertheless, in sharing them people become aware of your journey and your boldness. People may rebuke your dreams and tell you how impossible it will be but they'll sure never forget it. They'll apply their hearts to caution and keep their eyes on you.

The bigger your dreams and mandate, the more the jealousy.

Sometimes, people actually don't hate you, they detest your boldness, courage and ability to have such aggrandizing dream (Aggrandize means big, large. Just incase you wanted to go get a dictionary, then you know what "ing" means...).

They'll hate you and be jealous of You because their dreams are too small to compete with yours. They're the get-by-life kind of people.

As a leader on a journey to fulfill purpose, there are two most essential qualities you should possess – INTEGRITY and LOYALTY. Always know that someone is watching the works of your hands and how faithful you are to your assignment.

No leader ever works alone. There are those set in life to help him navigate through and to his destination. Don't be too proud to ask or receive help. Don't let your ego keep you from advancing. You don't know it all and these persons have the pieces of your puzzle. Allow them to add it all up on your map. They may just be anybody, a passerby, mechanic, sales personal, lawyer, etcetera. Whoever they are, never look down on them nor turn down their helping hands, less you wander all day through life not knowing there is a change in location.

They're there to give you directions and guidance. Mostly not to follow you to your destination. Try not to confuse it. They're not to follow you there but add the missing puzzle and help you navigate to your set location.

Asking the right question to the right person is crucial. Understanding your purpose and your role informs you on what info you need and those you need to discard. Some questions are irrelevant and may not take you anywhere. You need to be careful on what information you take. Not all information are navigator to destination. Asking the right question to the right person provides you right information for navigation.

These persons are active listeners. They don't discard heard information anyhow. They know that what is said that is heard would be useful someday. These persons have the right information because they kept their ears to listening. They don't guess this information.

Without their piece of the puzzle, you'll still be wandering through the field of "Last Known Location". These persons are not everywhere, they're rare. Remember that line that says eyes that see are common and eyes that look are rare? Well, for this guys, ears that hear are common but ears that listen are rare.

To be Continued...

By: George Nimi Joseph


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