Be Ready before You Commit

Many people are in relationships, pairing with someone for different reasons, quite obviously and commonly is that "some" people do for their own sexual gratification. Some do for the attention they can get; perhaps, their supposed pair is someone with class or high social background. Some do too for recognition. Some do for some bucks. While a whole lot of others who are not in these other categories are probably because they are bored and tired of being alone.

Relationship(s) is not all about a game of give and take, it is so much than that. By far, it is much more than commitment so just before you start getting over your head about one, make sure you are truly ready to be in one.

A mind that is unstable, a heart that have not had a good time to heal properly is bound to stumble or get stuck in a rebound relationship. By that "Rebound", I mean, finding someone to fill the space for the moment to avoid being alone and not because you really do care, "well maybe a little", but you are not just going to commit to it like you would if there hasn't been a crash somewhere that pushed you thus far.

Many relationship have crashed and stumbled into a brickwall as a result of negligence and ignorance of the parties involved. You have to be psychologically fit, emotionally stable and healed, happy and have it all together. For someone else, they are so deeply in love, but for you it's different because you are trying not to think about that one ex you cared so much – that gave up on what you two had... This is bad, maybe not for you but for who you are with at that moment...You'll end up hurting more people than you hurt yourself.

But the best way to get over whatever it is, is to stay put, focused on other angles, grow, redefine yourself, get it all together, be happy in your own company.. then finally you are ready for yet another chapter..

Relationship isn't just about you, your likes, wants, happiness, freedom etcetera... It's always about what will give it life, make it breathe, give it hope, give it strength, it is all about you two and when one is not fit or ready to be one, the other suffers and is emotionally infected (One down).

You can't afford to be the reason why someone else's emotional need is in jeopardy and wreck. Be honorable with so much integrity to not be a rebound in someone's life just cause you do not know how to heal by yourself hence toiling with their emotions unjustly. You know this is almost unforgivable, it is brutal if not almost like killing.

If you've had a couple of bad relationships before or just out of one and you feel you cannot live through? The good news is you can and you will but you need time while you getting bush focusing on other aspect of your life. Don't drag anyone with you down that line until you are healed and ready else you'll go with that mindset you had with the previous one just when it crashed and you'll find yourself lashing out unjustly and almost uncontrollably at someone who's done you no bad or harm... The only thing they did was falling in love with someone who doesn't love themselves enough to heal and find happiness first with themselves – someone who isn't confident enough to stay clear until they are ready to finally commit.


By: Tripple Friddle Frizzle Tff


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