You do not have it all

How much can your mobile phone really do? Do you remember the early days of cellular phones and just how little you could actually accomplish with one? Texting was a new fad when I was in high school, and the idea of having an Internet connection on a phone that cost less than your car was laughable.

Today, folks can watch movies on their phone with little to no buffering involved. You can pinpoint your location and receive turn-by-turn directions from virtually anywhere you can get a signal. Need to send a text message? You can speak to your phone and have it send one on your behalf.

One of the reasons Nokia 3310 sold massively as at the time when it was in vogue was the strength of the material used for its casing. Another reason was it's battery life.

Today, android Phones are purchased massively, but not for the same reason. They sell because of their multiple Functionality - features like: Touch Screen, Internet Connection, GPS etcetera.

But our dear androids phones cannot be allowed to fall carelessness on the ground. If an Android phone falls, most likely it's screen guard or screen or casing will have to be changed.

When you go to a Phone shop what do you see?
Some phones with good battery life say 5400mAh but low camera quality say 5Mpx,
Some Phones better with good memory size say 32G ROM but low battery 3200mAh.
Some big screened Phones with low camera quality say 5MPx.
Some will have good front camera others will have a preferred back camera.
Somehow, an individual will have to choose what feature is most important to him or her. And what phone product is within his budget.
Somehow, life have been designed such that no individual has it all.

Focus on your strengths the more and feed your weaknesses less. Know that those who connect with your strengths will be attracted to you.

To remain relevant however, make sure you up your game by continuous self development. I am sure you may not accept a Nokia 3310 if given to you as a gift now. Why? Because there are improved versions of it.

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By: TJ William


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