Your free time is a Gift, You either waste it or wield it!

I spent 6 years and 9 months in the University to bag the two degrees that made me a doctor. Within that stretch of time, we had a few months of unintended free time on our hands. Strike Action. No classes. No work. Just an empty day waiting for you to either waste it or wield it.

In my 5th year, I had paid my dues with boredom but it was another indefinite refusal of Nigerian Doctors to return to work until their demands were met.
I stretched from my bed, gazing at the white slates of my ceiling and I determined, I could do anything with the time I had... ANYTHING.
So, I went to a store and bought varying colors of embossed cardboards, rulers, pencils, gum, scissors and pens. I was going to teach myself how to make a self made greeting card.

I surfed on the internet for designs and clues. And I sat with my new found passion for days – perfecting an art I had stumbled upon because I loved the process of self discovery. I was cutting, shaping, calli graphing, drawing... doing all the stuff medicine didn't let me think I knew how to do. I had found an aspect of myself I didn't know existed, rather than get stuck in all I knew about myself till then.

I sold each piece of my hobby for 5,000 naira each!
After each lucrative sale, I mused with a grin. "Having a fuller pocket is never an unwanted side-effect of knowing oneself."

It's time to stop saying you are bored! Get your bum off that sit in front of the T.V. Take a shower! Go out! See what else you can do with yourself!
Boredom is only for those who can't transform an empty day into an eventful day. They are lazy people who are content with all they know about themselves and can't find the energy or the faith to believe that there could be more they'll find most amazing about themselves.
Bored people are uninspired people who would bicker about an unchanging season in their lives and not realize the miracle of their changing self.

Stop being bored! Your free time is a gift you'll often get to either waste or wield.
What will you do with it?

By: Olulade Ebenezer


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