Health (by Samuel Oba)

"If you want to be the picture of health, you'd better have a happy frame of mind" (E. C. McKenzie)

"Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy" (Izaak Walton)

"Say you are well, or all is well with you, and God shall hear your words and make them true" (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

"Health is wealth", goes a popular adage today.

Good health is a precious gift, more precious to every person than silver and gold. Every person needs a healthy body in which to keep a sound mind.
E. C. McKenzie advised, "why not cultivate health instead of treating disease?"

Feeding well is one of the major determinants of our physical well being. If what we eat and drink is that important to good health, then it is certain that sickness will be reduced greatly, if we feed well.
Health can be sustained greatly by supplying the body with the right kind of food in the right proportion and combining them with other useful health determinants like sleep, exercise and avoiding harmful habits. God pays close attention to the sanitary and personal hygiene of His people.

Poor feeding leads to poor health, ailment and suffering. Everyone needs a balanced diet which contains all food nutrients in the right quantity to meet our body needs. Our meals must contain all the nutrients from each of the various classes of food which are carbohydrates, proteins, fat and oil, minerals, vitamins and water.

"Many people suffer poor health, not because of what is eating them" (E. C. McKenzie)

Health is more important than money. It is more important than the taste of food. Some men spend billions of money on beauty each year. Beauty product factories are getting richer, while people consume drugs with two billion naira annually just to keep fit. Yet the simple element of glamour which is cheaper than a lipstick, more powerful than a blow dryer and as vital to our well being as next to your breath, is neglected daily. This neglected beauty and health product is given freely by nature to man is Physical Exercise.

Carrying out regular exercise, not only increase energy muscle tone, bone strength, cardiovascular endurance, lung capacity, flexibility, circulation and metabolism, but it decreases body fat, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Exercising and keeping fit can also reduce depression. New findings also indicate that exercise also increases creativity. So, when you are sometimes dry and not inspired, get into exercise to resume the creative system.
That means exercising can bring out the genius in you!
Also, regular exercise and physical activity have been confirmed to reverse the effects of aging and increases life expectancy.

Know your genotype before you say yes to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom you wish to spend the rest of your life with.

AA + AA = Excellent
AA + AS = Good
AA + SS = Fair
AS + AS = Bad
AS + SS = Very Bad
SS + SS = Extremely bad

There is so much to talk about on health but let me summarize them thus: Observe the following preventive measures to keep you healthy.

* Drink purified or boiled water.
* Keep your clothes clean and neat.
* Live in a clean and well ventilated environment.
* Protect yourself from mosquitoes.
* Eat more of fruits, vegetables, and beans in your food varieties.
* Do physical exercise and sleep well.

By: Samuel Oba


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