Focus on Yours and Use it Well, and You will be Given More

It happens almost everyday. And every time it happens, I just glean the lessons afresh.

God has blessed us with two sons. One eats so much that it sometimes takes sleep to prevent his mouth from working and his lips from moving. The other has to be chased with food - he is rarely self-motivated when it comes to eating.

Most times, after one has had like three servings, the other is still battling with one and of course, the reality of his asking for more does not happen every day.
But the more the eater eats, the more he is given more to eat.
And while sometimes, I feel like giving the noneater more, I just know he can't handle more.


The five talented man only had more given to him because he used the first round given to him.
The two talented man was given more only because he used the first round given to him.
The reason the one talented man was not given more to use was because the one given to him was not used. Giving him more would not motivate him to use it, but only amount to waste. And leaving the one already in his possession with him will only amount to loss – talent not used depreciates; just as food not eaten gets spoilt.

Are you eating your food or watching others eat theirs while yours wastes away?
Are you busy eating yours or busy deciding how others should use theirs or not use it?

May what you have not be taken away from you. May you focus on yours and use it well so that you'll be given more.

Understand that the reward for work well done is more work to do and the consequence of work not done is wastage and losses.

May the last one not be your own portion...

By: Bimbola Tayo-Bamidele


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