Establish Positive Connections and Relationships

Never joke with the power of Connection/Relationships.
Be connected to God, and be connected to Man.
It isn't just about what You can do alone, but who You know that can give You the opportunity to showcase what You can do.

Referrals have changed a lot of lives.
"She's my niece, give her the job"..
"He's a very honest young man, give him the chance"
"When I was in need, that young man standing there, when everyone abandoned me, he stood in for me, help me out a lot of times, give him the contract "

If You can do it, I can do it, she can do it. The person who gets the job at the end of the day may as well be the person who knows somebody somewhere.
Don't die for connection, don't sin for connection, but it will as well be foolish of you to underestimate the power of being connected, in Heaven and on earth...

I mean, is that not why we always pray, "Father Lord, send me divine helpers".

Divine helper, I laugh how some people be busy praying for divine helpers on Sunday and all week they be busy chasing people out of their lives on a per second basis – insulting, abusing, rejecting, selecting, underrating, ignoring,..

Imagine if Joseph had neglected the King's Cup bearer or refused to interpret his dream while they were in prison.

The way some of us have carried this "you are not the one feeding me", "na im dey pay my school fees" mentality, abusing people simply because at present, they are of no economic or financial standing; disrespecting strangers who we know not, ignoring those we know, ignoring opportunities to cement relationships, be it in church, school, office or in the virtual world.

Who told you you can't meet your helper online? Even the gateman that knows you, or that you know (whichever way it goes, as long as there is a knowing), can be of use to you one day.

That young drummer in your church whom you refuse to get to know, may become the person you need to know tomorrow.

If I go to any place to look for any favor of any kind and I ask who is in charge there, and I am sent to the Madam's Office, and I find out it is Lavender Peters, haba, I know I won't leave there disappointed na; or I go to a bank for a business transaction and I meet Asemota Osarodion Philip as the branch Manager; or I hear that the company I want to do business with is owned by Boss Bob,.. I go enter the place as if, na me get am... Or I need an editor/Writer of great reputation who won't charge me based on current recession billing, to help me edit a book I'm working on, Okpara Lisa is there for me na, abi is MC – Matthew Itohowo is there...

Everyone you meet today is going somewhere, and will be someone tomorrow. Don't despise people in their days of little beginning, the best time to know someone is when they are on their way to becoming someone.

Think of tomorrow. Establish your contacts/relationships today!

God bless!

By: Musa Gift (MG)


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