What is the driving force of your Passion?

Don't let anyone or anything sweet-talk you out of your conviction. There's a reason it's called it's CONVICTION.

The greatest heart who have trodden upon this earth were not just a "do" people. Have you ever wondered what inspired them to do what they did? Have you ever wondered why amidst the confrontation, confusion, and condition, they still achieved their set goal(s)?

Apart from them being target driven, focused, disciplined, courageous and all the wonderful but important qualities leaders posses, there was something that gave rise to these qualities. Let me leak you on a tiny secret. Promise to tell everyone? Yes! A secret that must be shared.

I've listened and read articles from great men I respect so much. Let me just pick two out of them all. John Obidi and Fela Durotoye. Have you read their articles or listen to them talk? There's something common they usually refer to and that's the great big secret.

Argggh! Yes! I got you right? You just remembered.

This guys Walk their Work and Talk their Talk with conviction that if you put a gun to their head or a knife to their neck nothing changes. They rather die than give up on their passion which is birthed through conviction.

I'd love to ask you, What is the driving force of your Passion?
Where do you get adrenaline to run?
I'm not talking about the initial gra-gra alot of us do when we attend seminar or workshop. I'm talking about when there's nothing at all to encourage our work. What sustains us?
What have you heard?
Faith comes by hearing and hearing God's word. (Romans 10:17)
Whose words did you hear?
Could that be the reason for your Rise and Fall, Test and Run, Start and Stop?

Those who shook this world with their lives ran because they heard something that caused a structured entropy within them.
People will naturally find themselves following you because you've heard. You're not doing stuffs out of pity but passion. And passion is a derivative of Faith. You believe what you're doing is making impact right? Who told you?

This is what forms the foundation by which we build – Our Conviction.
Start Listening! Our Conviction lies in what we've heard.
Him that haf ear, let him hear.

By: George Nimi Joseph


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