Let the Evidence Confirm Your Belief

We all know how it plays out, when a person is arrested and taken to the Court. Usually, they are accused of a crime but considered Innocent, until proven Guilty. In court, the case is tried. The accusers (plaintiff) try to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they are guilty of the offence(s) they have been charged with, while the  lawyer(s) (the defendant) try to defend the accused and get them cleared of the charges. The Judge then passes a verdict of "guilt" or "discharged and acquitted" at the end of the trial depending on the amount of evidence for or against the accused. Normally, the accused will also be allowed to testify but ultimately, EVIDENCE is the chief determinant of the verdict to be passed.

Now let's do something with this analogy I just pointed out. Let's say for instance, you get arrested and charged with the crime of "being a Christian". Yes, let's say you are charged with the crime of "being a Christian", and you have to appear before a Judge, and your accusers try to prove you are indeed a Christian and should be declared guilty, while your team of lawyers try to prove you aren't a Christian, who do you think will win the case?

Your life will be x-rayed, both your secret life and public life. Lawyers will dig into every aspect of your life, interview your friends (casual and intimate), coworkers, family members, even your neighbors, your husband or your wife will be asked if you are a Christian (remember they know you best), your Pastor will be asked to testify of your commitment in Church activities and programs, if you've been working on the Lord's vineyard or just a Sunday Sunday Visitor.

Evidence will be sought to nail you or set you free. They will take into consideration, your dressing pattern using the Bible as a standard, your manner of communication, your relationship with members of the opposite sex, your giving attitude, forgiving attitude, your mind, your thoughts, your prayer life, your Bible study life, your actions. They will examine your life in search of evidence to point out; the presence or absence of the fruits of the spirits which a Christian should have: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (self control). Secret investigators will be hired, all in a bid to prove that you are or are not a Christian. The messages on your phone(s) will be confiscated and examined, the pictures and videos on your phone and laptop too.

Now my Question: Excluding your own testimony, will the Evidence prove You are a Christian or not?
You know the answer to this question. Let's not deceive ourselves. Bearing the name Christian, will not save you on the last day. The Life you Lived will!

You say you are a Christian, do you have concrete evidence to prove that?
Revelation 22:12 -  "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his WORK shall be."

If We say we are Christians, let us live like Christians.

Musa Gift (MG)


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