Being Spontaneous

Have you ever sat down, and just suddenly realized that the best moments and memories in life are usually spontaneous and never planned or premeditated?

Whatever you do, give space for spontaneousness. Don't just live by the book - rigid, one way street life. In your relationship, be spontaneous; do things for and with your spouse on the spur of the moment, and see true beauty, romance and laughter come to reside with you and your household.

Nothing kills relationships like routine, and timetable for everything. I mean, sex by timetable, outings embarked on strictly by timetable, everything predictable, everything mechanical, robotic laidis.. God forbid bad thing for you, my friend.

Surprise your spouse very often, let there be that anticipation, excitement, that feeling of waiting for your surprise gift, surprise treat, not knowing what you will come up with next; knowing that with you, anything can happen anytime. Give in to sudden ideas, sudden suggestions as the spirit of the Lord and the spirit of Romance leads you to a blissful marital experience like no other.

A sudden naughty feeling to tickle your spouse, or bite his ear, or make a funny naughty face at her, or whatever. Remember, go with the flow, just be natural. Real marriage is just like a movie but there is no script. Write the script yourself, be creative, be inventive, be authentic, be spontaneous, be fun. There will come times when everyone will be serious and busy, the memories you have created from such moments will be there to keep you going.

Couples that don't regularly take pictures, how did they used to do it self?
On your way from the office, you pass by a flower shop, and you suddenly felt like your wife will love the flower. Don't say: Well, I didn't budget it; Well, I never planned it, next time.
While your husband comes back from work, you suddenly feel like giving him a hot foot massage or back rub, it must not have been planned, go with the flow my sister. Allow love carry you like flood, stop resisting the leading of the spirit.

Refuse to be stuck in a runt
Be Alive
Be Spontaneous
Be Unpredictable
Even this post now, is a spontaneous something..

Musa Gift (MG)


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