The force of Faith

I want to talk to your soul.
Life has always had a way of deceiving us. Life has hidden behind the subject of reality to steal away the joys and productivity that would have ensued from a grasp of what I'm talking about now.

I have grown to understand that there is a vital force that holds existence and cannot be separated from existence. That force is FAITH.
This force is universal and applies anywhere. It is reproducible and measurable, but I believe strongly we don't seem to realize this because of the deception posed by the concept of reality - what do I see now, how do I feel now, what do I have now, and what is happening now.

This concept of reality has limited us from seeing and understanding the bigger picture and how to unfold what life holds for every one of us.
It is also very deceptive that even with the victories and testimonies of others that have gone through what we are currently going through and have emerged victorious, we still fall into that temptation to see life from the experiential point of view where we still want to be in the picture and become the actors having the same experiences people have had thereby continuing the same cycle of experiences leaving most people defeated and despondent almost all the times when we can just choose a rather surer way of just acknowledging the victories of people before us and believing we can also emerge victorious.

Believe it or not, there is only one currency with which we can fully purchase life's provisions. It is the currency of FAITH.
Behind any success story, you'll see faith - that strong believe and energy of positivity. People who have survived the toughest of situations have been people that mastered the blending of positive thinking and a strong believe that there is hope no matter what the present throws at them. In fact, if you can break away from being restricted by purported reality, you will climb to any height in life. This is the pattern, Faith, follow it, you cannot separate it from existence. It makes it meaningful.

That sickness, difficulty, suffering, disappointment, etcetera, is not the totality of what life holds for you. You were created to be a Receiver, yes, a receiver of good things from the day you were born, starting from the arms of a joyful and loving family, you received support until you became able to help yourself.
Understand that your current circumstances has never been the destination. It is a distraction, so you'll not see the totality of life. The best way of superimposing on this distraction is by having faith.

In the real sense, you cannot totally eliminate the falsehood preached by what is seen for the now, but you can overcome this falsehood by practical faith which should be applied in your thoughts, actions and confession patterns.
I started by describing faith as a force, now when I say force, it must have a source. The potency and infallibility of your faith is dependent on where it emanates from. The question I throw at you now is where does your faith come from, if it comes from just believing John made it, I will make it, it is not substantial enough and can only last a short while. My faith comes from the real essence of existence, I draw faith from Jesus Christ.

Raphael Donanu


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