Wanting money, Serving Mammon

Someone asks, "What does it mean to not serve God and mammon? I'm confused. Does it mean I should not want to have money? And I should not think about it or how to get it? Or that I should live in penury? Is that what it means to not serve mammon?"

My reply:
"Wanting money is not same as serving Mammon. Wanting money and desiring it is very godly and indeed, noble. Money is simply a tool; same way screw driver, hammer, spoon or spanner is. However, when your desire for money comes above your desire for God's leading and direction, you have erred. When, instead of being led by God and the interests of His Kingdom, you're being led by thoughts of personal gain, you have bowed to Mammon. When, instead of you being driven by the Holy Spirit, and going by godly principles, you are driven by your desire for money and not minding the means to acquire it, Mammon has taken over. When money is the one dictating how you live your life, how you spend your time, who you walk with or not, what you do or don't, what you confront or don't, Mammon has taken over.

So, a way to know is to ask yourself, “What drives my life? What drives my actions and what motivates me? Pleasing God, fulfilling my calling, protecting the interest of His Kingdom? Or how to feed, how to cloth and how to 'survive'?"

Bimbola Tayo-Bamidele


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