Develop Yourself for where You want to be

Every man knows his size - he knows what he can carry. You attract people around your circle. If your highest level of personal development is for truck pushers, truck pushers will come. By this, I mean no insults. Truck pushers also have people on their level. A CEO Lady will almost always flow with men at that level too and there is a high propensity to get a mate there.

Know your level. The best way to break into some higher level is to train yourself for that level. People in the circle of power marry themselves. The rich do not always allow their kids marry the poor because of difference. It will take extra effort. What is normal to the rich is luxury to the poor - that is already a problem.

If you are poor, it doesn't stop you from breaking into the other circle. Enrich your mind, get the information the rich knows and understand, understand their thought patterns and you will flow with them notwithstanding your economic status.

Raphael Donanu


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