Treat your brand as an Investment, not a Cost

Let me iterate - "branding is the projection of your visions and the big picture in you. It is bringing to life, the dreams you have".
How much does it cost to bring your vision to life? It boils down to how big, clear and crisp your inner pictures are. Branding is expensive only if you see it as expensive. I have seen people project their brands with less crisp graphics. I have seen people unintentionally creating the wrong narratives for their brands through branding that leaves lot to be desired.

Electronic media is a game of perception, how you package yourself creates narratives in the mind of your target audience. When you consistently fail to create the right narratives, you eventually hurt your business. How much does it cost to get a crisp head shot? How much does it cost to hire the service of professionals? You don't have to break the bank give your customers the best experience. You don't have to commit too much to keep to your promises and deliver quality without compromise. How much does it cost to consistently create the right narratives?
Our problem is that we see branding as cost instead of seeing it as an investment.
When you create the shift in thoughts, you begin to see the long term benefits of everything you do now.

Branding is similar to goodwill - you rarely can measure the physical benefits that comes with it. They are psychological and as such, you can't find their cost capitalized as an asset in the account statement (unless when special conditions are met). I'm sure your inner pictures aren't blurry.

Invest in yourself and your brand. You will see the benefits in no distant time.
If you create the right narratives and treat your clients right, they will definitely come back for more.
What's your thoughts on brand perception?

Oladipupo Osofowora


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