The Success lies in the openness of mind and the amount of Knowledge One acquires

Growing up, I had this junk in my head that when things are not working out fine, it's God trying to resist us from erring (because what we may be trying to do might not be His will). I believed this lie until recently and ever since then I have questioned a lot of things I have learnt and believed concerning my faith.

I was at a cross road in my life where a lot of things were not working out as planned. I became confused and depressed. I needed answers to the numerous questions in my head; Why were things falling apart? Then, with the knowledge of what I had learnt, I wondered why God will resist all my plans, this even made me more sad and confused.

How would a loving father cause his son this kind of pain even when he knows that my intentions are not bad? This question was unanswered for a long time and was almost changing my perception about God. With this confusion in my head, I started looking for answers, and in the course of time I stumbled on the parable of the prodigal son. It is a popular story with amazing lessons, but it's more amazing that a lot of people have adopted a common perspective to the story without learning the lessons in its entirety.

In considering the parable, I wondered why the father obliged the prodigal son’s request without even resisting when danger was laid ahead. Then I shuddered at the gospel that teaches that suffering and setbacks are products of sin and God’s resistance to man’s plan for not doing His will, respectively. This gospel I think is incorrect!

I began to think as my mind raced, what would have happened to us, if men like Thomas Edison had been as naive as I was, to think that his failures were as a result of God trying to resist his plan (as not being His will) when he failed the first ten times? Maybe, we would have still been in darkness without the light bulb.

When we fail we must do a root cause analysis to ascertain the cause of our failure. Could it be God responsible for our failure for trying to do what is not His will? Could it be our incompetence and lack of knowledge in what we are doing?

Edward Chiemeka


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