Be the Person You desire to marry

Marry someone who knows how to make you smile – but more so, wants to make you smile.

Marry someone who builds you up, not tears you down.

Marry someone who knows how to apologize when they’ve been wrong.

Marry someone who is interested in the details of your life, because the details make up who you are.

Marry someone who you can pray with, because there is nothing more intimate.

Marry someone who loves you for who you are, but challenges you to become better.

Marry someone who you don’t get sick of, because you’ll be hanging out a lot.

Marry someone who can love you with their actions, not just their words.

Marry someone who points you to Jesus, rather than to him/herself.

Marry someone who trusts you, and someone you can trust.

Marry someone who will make a good friend, not just a good lover.

Marry someone who loves Jesus, more than he/she loves you.

Marry someone who is willing to communicate, even if it’s not a strength.

Marry someone who has nothing to hide, and lives a transparent life.

Marry someone who is just as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.

Marry someone who you can have fun with – because laughter is like medicine.

Marry someone who wants to know you entirely – your heart, your spirit, and your mind.

Marry someone who has the values, beliefs and qualities that are most important to you… but most of all – Seek to become that kind of a person yourself.

By: Svelte Bintu Eniola Bolarinwa


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