Why Pray? My Thoughts:

I have my thoughts about "Prayer". Personally, I had believed more on faith and confidence, than on Prayer. I say this because I've come across a number of persons who believe so much on Prayer, but cannot inspire or give someone some positive vibes in a time of difficulty. You see people who are fast to advise one to pray (and probably fast) when one shares a situation or personal challenge, without doing some brain work and examining physical factors that could've led to the person's challenge and then trying to ensure those physical factors are taken care of before going spiritual. Personally, when talking to people, once I'm trying to relate something with you and you're fast to throw in that spiritual leg, I stop and I'll probably not relate stuffs with you next time. I prefer one relates realistically and then back it up with some spirituality, than one trying to make a whole case of spirituality!
Anyway, Prayer, Faith, Confidence were all meant to work together.

I sat down sometime ago and asked myself, what's really important about Prayer? Why do we all need Prayer? This my interest today.

I believe in faith and Confidence and I believe that God has given me everything I need to Succeed, but one cannot achieve Success without God and without the help of Prayer. Sure, one can have Success because it's already in You (You just have to discover it), but one needs Prayer and God to smoothen the path. I'll now share the reasons why we need Prayer. I definitely won't make a complete list, but you're free to add yours by commenting below the post.

• God is the giver of life and the giver of all life's Gifts, both individually and collectively. It is necessary that one makes a prayer of Thanksgiving daily for life and life's gifts and blessings.

• We as humans can protect ourselves to a certain extent, most often, to the extent of our knowledge. But God knows all and sees all, and only God can protect us from hidden and unforseen mishaps, stuffs like illnesses without cure (even those with cure), accidents, armed robbery, poisoned food and drinks, etcetera. So, it's necessary one makes a Prayer of Protection, daily.

• Wisdom, Direction, Guidance and Grace. Most times in Life, we get to a point where we aren't sure of the next steps to take. Sometimes we know the next step to take, but we need some wisdom in going about it rightly. We also need Grace to be Successful at that thing. Though the grace is there for everyone, sometimes we have to pray for God's Special Grace, one that will smoothen the whole process and take away the burden of much work (though one will still have to work, but it will be easier with that Special Grace)

Sometimes we pray to achieve Success without doing any work. I think it's wrong and I'm not sure God answers that. God may answer that sometimes just to save you from shaming Him. But, the better way to put that prayer is to pray for God to give you the wisdom, direction, and Grace to be able to develop and use the Special and Unique talents and abilities He has given you, to achieve Success; and thank Him for the Success!

• The last point I got here deviates from personal Prayer. It's more about praying for other persons. There was a time I do constantly pray for the poor, the sick, the less privileged, the Government, the Church, preachers of the Gospel, people still living in sin, Students, the Nation, and whatever other body/group you have in mind. It's cool to make this prayer daily. The more you pray for others, the more you pray for yourself! Everyone needs Everyone because in life, we are all related, and other persons kinda have effects on your successes and failures (But You alone do have the biggest and most significant influence).

A prayer to cover all these points above don't need to take so much time or energy. Prayer is just a heart to heart communication with God. You can spend as little as ten to thirty minutes daily to make a Prayer taking the above points into consideration. We all need it!

Stay Positive!!


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