Towards Mental Exploits by David .O. Oyedepo

I read this book about four years ago, and it was a big turning point for me. Much was learnt, I'll share few of them today. You should check it out.

The lessons:

Death begins when one stops learning, and ageing starts from one's mind, not one's body. One remains young as far as he or she keeps learning;

One starts crashing once he or she stops pushing. One's ability to excel mentally is paralyzed once one stops trying and accepts that the results obtained is the best he or she can attain;

One's life becomes a burden when one's life is void of progress. And when one's brain isn't working towards anything, it becomes a weight on the body. The brain is motivated when it sees something ahead, something to work towards for;

One's success does not demand prayer and fasting, as much as engaging one's senses positively.

Have you read the book? What can you say about it? Let's share

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