Drug Abuse and Misuse

As a human being, as a Life, we have a body. The body is like a machine which has many parts. Take a generator for an example. In the absence of any of these: fuel, generator oil, plug; a generator won't serve the purpose it is meant to. This is just how the human body is.
We have Systems (example, Digestive system) which has Organs (examples: Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, etcetera); which has tissues; and tissues are made up of cells. What affects the smallest unit, the cells ends up affecting the Body as a whole...

A Drug is simply any chemical substance that is capable of influencing and affecting the cells of the body, resulting in response from the cells affected. Drug abuse and misuse isn't just about abusing hard drugs like cocaine, codeine, etcetera; it also involves abusing and misusing normal drugs like paracetamol, anti malarial drugs, and even vitamin C. I could say that consuming a chemical substance that one isn't meant to consume, for example, kerosene, is drug abuse (/misuse) as well.

Drugs are abused/misused when they are taken wrongly; taken in a dose that is below or above the normal dose for that individual; taken with other chemical substances that interact with and affect the action of drugs; taken for a period of time that is lesser than or greater than the normal duration; taken at a wrong time and taken at irregular intervals as against the required interval between two doses.

When you take drugs, take them rightly. Don't take above the normal dose required daily. Your cells are affected by the drugs you take. When they are affected in a bad way, they respond badly and it affects your tissues, organs and your system. Your body systems are related, so it will definitely affected your body as a whole.

Remember that for Drugs to be used by the body, they must be broken down or metabolized and organs like the Kidneys, Liver, Pancreas, are involved. You know how important those organs are for one's survival. Once they are destroyed, one is as good as dead. So, use drugs wisely. And consult your health provider when you're not certain about the use of a drug. Even when you're certain, you can still do so, just be certain that you're certain.

I wanted to talk about drugs; the perspective of hard drugs which some of you were expecting to see, but I wrote as my spirit led me. This one on drug abuse and misuse is not done yet, will get back to this issue sometime later.

Encourage people who abuse and misuse drugs to stop doing so! Help promote good health!


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