Business and Finance Quotes, this Week

The Quotes today, is credited to Bimbola Tayo-Bamidele.

The Quotes:

• The first step to financial independence is to decide, "If it's to be, it's up to me. And because it's up to me, I'll make it be."

• If your spirit and soul do not take priority in what you LOVE to spend money on, you will remain poor – both in spirit and in pocket.

• You will remain poor if you like to say this, "I would have loved to... but I don't have money." It is a poverty-related term.

• Poverty is first a stronghold before it becomes a state. To get rid of it, first get rid of scarcity mindset.

• Prosperity: having all that you need to have, to be and do all that you need to be and do; chief of which is the Holy Spirit.

Bimbola Tayo-Bamidele


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