We are Members of One Body, NOT Independent Cells

Beloved, Christianity isn't a personal race as we are made to believe. It is rather a collective race with personal responsibilities.

We are not the Cell of Christ but the Body of Christ.
We must realize that whatever affects one part, affects the whole body. We must understand that all these talks such as "Leave everyone to their own beliefs. Let whatever you belief work for you. If I tithe, is it your business?" etcetera, are all revelations of a lack of synergy in the Faith.

The Lord Jesus would have us grow up into him in all things. He would have his Church walk in Holy rhythmicity. He would have us understand that we are one united force before whom the World is to tremble.
This individualistic mindset is actually folly and it's a huge debit on our eternal inheritance.

We must begin to see ourselves, not as separate entities with placentas tied to the womb of the "Pauls and Apollos" of our times, but as one Holy body, under the command of one Lord infused with the power of one Spirit, driven by one faith, anchored to one Hope, haven been made complete by he who is the Head of Principalities and Powers.

We must kick out the demonism of denominations. The goal of the Faith is Unity in the Spirit of Love.

Papa Ibiyeomie is not just your (Salvation ministries) Papa, Bishop David Oyedepo is not just your (Living Faith Church) Papa, same for Daddy E.A Adeboye, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome and the hosts of others.
They are simply gifts to the whole body of Christ Worldwide!

We must learn not to cling to one at the detriment of others. We must distance ourselves from sentimental attachment to any one of these so as to properly evaluate what we feed ourselves with.

There is so much to be done in our World. Africa and the World are in painful throes of birth.

It's time for the Church to humbly accept the ministry of the New Covenant sealed by the Holy Spirit to bring the last massive revival.

We must set aside our differences in the light of truth.

Doctrinal oneness is key to the Unity of the Faith. We must humble ourselves to learn from one another as the Spirit teaches us. We must understand that no one has monopoly over revelations of truth. We must understand that God's mighty working of miracles through a person isn't a seal of the Believer's superiority in power, but because God loves the recipient of the miracles.

We must discern the truth at all times and validate it, not by the workings of miracles nor the tongues of angels but by the truth itself.

We are in for a clash with darkness.
We must keep beaming the truth in all directions without fear nor favour.
The Lord Jesus is at hand.

By: Akuma Solomon


  1. Are you sure, it is not you that they are accusing of using pseudo accounts on twitter to plan the president's death? If it is you, then you're not representing what Christ stands for at all Solomon. If it is you, fix it now before they start tracking you and your loved ones. I hope they don't start disturbing Emmanuel for what someone else did sha


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