Insecurity in a Relationship

Insecurity makes you so anxious and afraid of losing what you already have. The more you express insecurity in a relationship, the more you gradually start losing what was initially yours.

Even if the certainty of the union got it's origin from Divine declaration, if the problem of insecurity is not dealt with, it is more than capable of ruining what God has even ordained. This is why it is so important to deal with d problem of insecurity before commencing any relationship.

And if a relationship has already begun with the problem undealt with initially, there could still be hope if we take a pause and deal with it first, before continuing the relationship.

Knowing how to trust God totally and leaving the future for Him to decide (with a consciousness that He has your happiness at heart) is the only antidote I know at this moment, for that debilitating disease called insecurity.


Insecurity is a really terrible disease. It aims to spoil the beauty of every well meaning relationship. It takes away your peace. It makes you loose your sense of joy and happiness. It makes your heart race, and pants in anxiety even times when you should sleep or rest (thereby making you have sleepless nights at times). It makes you see every reason to the minute foolish details to distrust your spouse even when you know fully well how sincere and committed he or she is to you, making you find every reason possible to fight him or her.

Insecurity can break a relationship that was otherwise ordained to be blissful and be a blessing to others. My dear, this is one of the strongest demonic weapon leading to many broken homes and relationships today.

But little have we sat down to realize that, that's the problem because it has a subtle way of hiding in the background making you see your innocent spouse as the cause of the problem, and making you always fight him or her without any reason.

Oh God, I am so dedicated to discovering the atomic or nuclear bomb to finally eliminate this demonic weapon killing many beautiful relationships, thereby helping to reduce the rate of divorces and broken homes in our generation.

Please, who will join me in this fight?, I'm sick and tired of hearing stories of how relationships that seemed otherwise beautiful, break up or are on the verge of breaking up. I am really really tired.

By: Abeyi Kingsley Onoriode


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