Excellent Attitude plus Skills equals Success

An excellent attitude is the key to success.
Yesterday (on the day this was written), a friend called me and asked me to recommend someone to do a job. I suggested someone to him who was undoubtedly super skilled in what he does. His response was, "He's good BUT I can't deal with his attitude".
Then I immediately recommended someone else who does not only have great skill but a great attitude too.
You see, in life, great skills will take you to the top but only an excellent attitude that'll keep you there.
While you're busy acquiring vocational and digital skill, take a moment to grab (as it were) interpersonal skills. Learn how to relate with people like human. Don't insist on being right. Sometimes play the fool game. Be kind. Be humble. Be considerate. Be empathetic. Be respectful.
Most times, excellent attitude pays higher than competence. And when excellent attitude meets great competence, massive success is inevitable.
So tell me, attitude and competence, which do you consider first when hiring someone?
By: Promise Excel


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