The Power of Association

There is a popular saying that says; "Show me your friends and I will show you whom you are".

You are an average of Five people around you. The company you keep has some power towards defining whom you are.

I was addressing someone who was addicted to smoking hemp, and was asking him, Why do you do this even when you know that it's wrong for you?
He replied that he started at an early age and it has become a part of him.
How do I know he smokes? We were talking and he wasn't feeling comfortable, I perceived the aroma mixed with Tom Tom and the rest. He was quite fresh out from the act.

This guy have good skill. He is a web entrepreneur and he's good at that. I can't leave him without giving him a bit of me, a bit of who I am.
I asked him, you smoke?
Hmmm. The yes came with some look of shame. And long through the conversation, he complained of how he has tried stopping, but he won't be able to do so despite the feeling of guilt that comes with it.
That brings me back to my logo.


Growing up, I have always weighed my options before I acted. I needed to check the negative aspects and the Positive aspects of the action, like weighing my options before I do what ever I want to do. This kept me safe from vices, and bandwagon effect wasn't for me. Stay Positive.

The quality of people around you will also determine how well you will achieve your goals. Remember this point Always.
Never stay in in an association because you are the Smartest, stay because there are equally smart or smarter people.
Redefine your association today.

By: Aghanwa Deborah


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