Know Your Calling, and Stay There

I wonder why people take the word "Calling" to be a religious word. Calling isn't a religious word. Just like Baptism. The problem is, when people get to find out the use of a word first in the Bible, they think it's a religious word.
Calling is gotten from the greek word "vocatio" which means work, task, or vocation. Your calling is what you're meant to be doing for the rest of your life. It's a task, it's your life's assignment. It doesn't have to be religious. We can't all be pastors... just think about it.
If we all become Pastors, who will produce the cars we drive? Who will be our structure engineers? Who will work for the tithe? Think about it..
If then, you say it's only ministerial activities that are callings, do you mean the others are joking or wasting their time, or they were never called?

Understand this. As much as God is a Father and God to Christians, He is the creator, ruler and God over the universe. As much as He has responsibility for Christians, He also has responsibility for the entire creation. Remember, the rain falls both on the good and evil.
The point is, know your calling and stay there... You must not be called to church, but understand that anything you do and accept to be the reason you were created is your calling. The idea is a world where we all make our unique contributions with our unique personalities to society in a way, those who observe us will be grateful to us.
Anything you do, and society is not grateful for, is not worth doing...
Your fulfilment is my priority..."

By: Dunamis Shiloh


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