Commit to Your Goals, hold Yourself accountable Internally

Are you committed to your dreams?

He had requested to have me as his accountability partner months ago. He wanted to achieve something so dear to him. He spoke with energy. His voice radiated motivation and inspiration to do exploit.

Weeks down the line, I sent him five texts to find out why he's been fluctuating. He packaged some beautiful excuses why he has been defaulting. A month after, he avoided me like a plague simply because I no gree leave him. I was not angry. I had trekked that path without my sleepers before. I had walked on broken bottles and I spilled my blood to pay for my folly.

There are moments when the breeze of motivation and inspiration romance your soul. Those moments, you felt like Hulk... You no longer have red blood. You are fired up like you stepped on nitro.

But that breeze does not blow forever.
Then, you are down to earth like Maltina bottle. We are quick to run to accountability partner to keep us on track. We believe that's the only thing we need to get the results we want. We know how to tie the external bolts while leaving the internal ones loose.

Do you hold yourself accountable internally before you get the external ones?
The moment you fail to commit to your goals and hold yourself accountable internally, you give your dreams a lick and a promise.
Find strong and emotional reasons why you should do what you need to do. Hold yourself accountable internally to avoid stories that touch with your accountability partner.

Everything you need to make those dreams, reality, are right within you.
Commit to your goals...
How's your experience been holding people accountable?

By: Oladipupo Osofowora


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