Forgive Yourself, and Slide back in

Most of us are familiar with the parable of the prodigal son in the Bible.
You know how he foolishly asked for all that was his and how he wasteful spent it all.
The question I want to ask is this: Which person in the story best describes you?
Perhaps your inner life has been so transformed by God’s forgiveness that you can empathise with others and easily forgive like the father in the story, or perhaps, like the younger son, you’ve demanded God’s gifts and then run your way toward destruction. Maybe, you yearn to return to God, but you are fearful of rejection. Or perhaps, like the elder son, you look at others and say; “After all the horrible things they’ve done, how can God use them instead of me?
No matter which person you identify with, no matter what your circumstance is, God wants to meet you in your need. If you have backslide, please slide back in. I know sometimes the hardest person you can forgive is the one you see in the mirror everyday (yourself). You simply can’t forgive yourself – even when God already has.
When you confess your sins and repent, it’s gone and God remembers no more. If you have not asked for forgiveness, why not do so now?
If you have already sought forgiveness but you lack assurance, ask for God’s grace to be able to accept what he has given you. He is waiting for you with an open arm just like the prodigal son’s father.
(Luke 15: 11-32)

By: Emmanuel Christian


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