Be Willing to Risk the Known for the Unknown

On your journey towards authenticity, just when you feel like you are finally living on a high vibrational spiritual level, life will take you to a crossroad where you will be forced to make a major life decision. Your choice of action will decide if you are still going to be subservient to the social programming or if you are going to free yourself from the chains of worldly expectations. It is usually a decision that cuts you off emotionally and maybe physically from some of your close friends and family because they will not understand why you have to take such a risk. The truth is that nobody knows the vision you were given. If you decide to play it safe for the sake of acceptance, you will never find out who you really are and all the abundance that may have been. If you decide to take the risk and step into the unknown, go inside it with courage, hope and faith that everything will work out well. Life is a double bind and every day, we are either growing into our authentic selves or we are shrinking back into our comfort zone. Nothing great, not even a great life can ever be achieved without the willingness to risk the known for the unknown but let your heart be your guide. This message was inspired by the wise presence of Maxine Tomlinson.

By: Uchenna Ilo


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