Business and Finance Quotes, this Week

The Quotes today, features quotes from Peter Ochuko Kajovo. Peter is an EventHost and Brand Strategist.

The Quotes:

• Consistency is a requirement for growth.

• If you serve value long enough, the attention and reaction you seek will come naturally

• Every business should (or rather must) have a presence online. No matter what you do, be you a billion dollar firm or just one dollar.

• There are always creative ways of telling your business story online. Don't be a boring brand. Tell your brand stories, share experiences.

• Everything is learnt. If you don't know how to project your brand or business, learn or outsource. "I don't know" is no longer an excuse.

• Even if there are gaints in your industry, certain customers will be drawn to your uniqueness. Don't lose it trying to be someone else.

Peter Ochuko Kajovo


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